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Affordable Makeup Sponges Collection

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SEPHORA COLLECTION - Velour Makeup Powder Puff
SEPHORA COLLECTIONVelour Makeup Powder Puff

1-5 of 5 Results

When it comes to application, affordable makeup sponges are the secret weapon that many artists rely on. These rotund sponges are thicker and plumper than flimsy triangle wedges from the drugstore. You’ll be able to wash and reuse our makeup sponges multiple times before having to replace them (about every three months), meaning they’re more durable and longer-lasting.

Should you choose a gel sponge or a porous sponge? Affordable makeup sponges are just like us—they’re diverse. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, which means they’re not one size fits all. If you’re trying to decide between a gel (aka jelly) sponge or a porous sponge, like the Total Coverage Charcoal Sponge, then we can help.

We’ll just cut right to the chase: Gel sponges are easier to clean and they’re more hygienic because they’re non-porous. Plus, they waste far less product than their squishy counterparts. However, the jelly sponge usually serves up strong love-it-or-hate-it vibes based on your makeup needs and habits. They’re particularly great for primers, concealers, foundations, and other products, and we think it’s always fun to try something new.

The porous variety is like a typical sponge in that it soaks up nearly every product it comes into contact with. You can reduce the absorption and slow product waste by wetting and squeezing out your sponge, like the Detail Oriented Sponge, before dipping and applying. You absolutely have to clean this type of makeup applicator after every use, but you won’t mind one bit thanks to the versatility and flawless finish it provides.

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